School is not my idol

Don’t get me wrong. School is important. However, when one puts school before God, it becomes an idol. As a matter of fact, anything you put before God is a god. I first recognized that I was making school an idol back in college.

I spent less time praying, going to church and wanting to fellowship with other Christians. As a result, I noticed a difference in my mood. I can’t fully describe the feeling but the best way I can describe how I felt is sadness, a mess. I did not have peace. School took up more time but I was actually not doing the best on my exams. I did not understand it at first. Like, how did I spend more time with my books and do worse on exams?

Then after a breakdown after one of my exams in college, (I didn’t even fail the exam lol) God used a friend to remind that I was not putting Him first. School had become my idol and I was so focused on getting good grades that I neglected spending time with God and serving Him.

Now fast forward to medical school. The work load is heavier and more time consuming than it was in college. There is more to do every day. Not going to lie, the feeling of putting school first before God came back. The demand to do well in school was greater than my desire to spend time with God. Then that “sadness” feeling swept in again. This time, it was almost like depression. Perhaps it was.

My mental and spiritual wellbeing was important now more than ever. But how was I going to take care of my wellbeing while doing my best to stay atop medical school. The answer was and still is God. I stopped making school an idol and put God first. It is a challenge but ultimately, I realized that you make time for the people and things you love and I loved God more. Hence, I wanted to make time to spend with Him.

Some may wonder what putting God first in medical school looks like. For me, it looks like this.

  1. Praying first thing in the morning, last thing in the evening, and anytime in between. In the shower, in the car, and even while walking, I pray.
  2. Reading a devotional in the morning before I look at anything school related (or text messages, emails, social media, etc.). When I do forget, which I sometimes do, the Holy Spirit convicts me which leads me to stop with whatever I am doing and read.
  3. Going to church. I cannot even express how important this is to me. My church family allows me to fellowship and learn more about God. They also serve as a source of encouragement and pray for me too.
  4. Taking time out of my studying and spend time with God by listening to a sermon, reading the Bible, attending Bible study, praise dancing or praying.
  5. Listening to Jesus music/instrumentals/podcasts throughout my day. God really speaks through music. I get encouraged, filled with joy, peace, awe of God’s goodness, etc. You may check out my playlists for song suggestions.
  6. Making myself available to be used by God. This means that when God calls me to serve Him in any capacity, my response is yes.

Putting God first while having a busy schedule can be tough at first because you will constantly be reminded of all the work you have to get done. Now, I am going to say this again. School is important. Do your part by studying and doing your absolute best. But I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit into your schedule. It is a challenge but there is nothing the Holy Spirit cannot help you with. Ask Him for help if you are finding it difficult to put Him first. You will notice a difference when God is first in your life. The way you handle stress will be different. People will look at you and wonder why you aren’t in “zombie” mood. I can assure you that your grades will look good too.

Don’t be too busy with everything in your life that you forget to make time for God. Looking back, I used to be afraid that spending time with God was me wasting valuable study time… but then again I made time to attend some parties and other social events (and I oop). Don’t be afraid to trust God with your busy schedule. He knows you. If God has promised you victory, you will be victorious. You are already victorious.

‘Cos when you put God first, all your concerns will be met. Matthew 6:33

Song reminder: Clear the Stage – Jimmy Needham

9 Replies to “School is not my idol”

  1. Why am I barely reading this now!? I just got finished through the semester and I am in relief from all the time I spent ‘busy’ with school. This gave me so much peace! Really looking forward to the rest of your blogs 🙂 keep it up!

    1. Aww I’m glad you came across this post. We bless God for the peace He’s instilling in you. Keep up your awesome work too! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Run the Race -

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