
Hello! Welcome to 31reminders.com. My name is Jessica Bedele. I am a Christian, daughter, sister, and friend. I am so glad you have decided to read about what this blog entails. This blog however is not just about me. Essentially, it is me documenting how God is working through me for HIS glory.

So why the name 31reminders?

Throughout my journey to where I am now, I needed constant reminders. If you followed me on snapchat, especially when I was in college, you knew that I posted daily reminders written on post-it notes. I also kept these reminders and posted them on my walls all over my room. These were not something that I just did. They had a purpose. I mostly did them for myself so that I had reminders of God’s word whenever I entered my room. Then, when I began posting on snapchat, I would get responses such as “Wow, I needed that” or “Thank you for sharing.” It was then that I realized that this was bigger than me. We all need reminders.

God has promised His children so many good things. However, the matters of this world can cloud our mind so much that we sometimes forget what God has promised to do for us and give to us. All of His promises are YES and AMEN but it is through us! So when we remember what He has said, we should have the faith to keep pushing and trusting Him to accomplish it.

          2 Corinthians 1:20 New King James Version (NKJV)

20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

During my first year of medical school, I especially needed these reminders. There were some very long days and what seemed like short nights to study everything that I needed to study before the next day. But then, there were some days when things were going right or wrong or nothing at all was going on. Then God, like a still small voice or through an encounter, would remind me of something and then I would write it down These reminders honestly kept me going. So this is how 31reminders came to be. It is my documentation of these reminders that I want to share with people. It was initially supposed to be a 31 day devotional for a month with 31 days but I did not just want to limit it to just that. While the content will be mainly reminders, I will incorporate other things here as well.

Oohhh I am so excited for what God is going to do through this blog ministry. I cannot wait to share with you all what He has been reminding me of and sharing with me. I believe that God will use 31reminders as a tool to reach people and it is my prayer that He continues to use me, place me in the right places in order to get HIS work done. He has already done so many amazing things in my life. My goal is not to boast but to express and share God’s word with the world.

God bless you for reading.