September 4, 2019
I am tired. I have been up since about 5:30am, studying, going up and down, taking care of business, going to class, coming home, studying some more. It is now 11:28pm and I don’t even know what I have accomplished today. I’m still about 10 lectures behind. I have to do all these things before the weekend. Multiple assessments are coming up. I. AM. TIRED. I feel overwhelmed. I am streeessseeeddd!
Who else feels this way sometimes? Like you keep going up and down the whole day and at the end of the day, you are not even sure of what you have accomplished. Now, I would like to address that I am in no way complaining. I am very grateful for the opportunity to live, learn, grow and serve each day. But it is also a fact that no matter where you are in life, whether schooling, being a parent, a doctor ( I’ll be there one day), or whatever it is, these tiring, overwhelming, stressful days are inevitable. It’s just facts.
So how does one manage themselves when they experience a day like this? How does one maintain good mental health while in a constant stressful environment (such as med school)? Well, I cannot speak for everyone but I am sharing some of the things I do when I recognize that I am getting overwhelmed and/ or stressed.

Here are six of my suggestions.
- Sleep. No explanation needed here. I jest, I jest but seriously, taking power naps rejuvenate my body and mind. It works for me.
- Remove myself from the stressful environment. Sometimes the place I’m in can contribute to the stress. If I don’t have to be present in that environment, I am removing myself from that space.
- Say yes to watching a movie or show, listening to music, or hanging out with family and friends. Such activities calm me and allow me to take a pause on work.
- Say no to watching a movie or show, listening to music or hanging out with family and friends. Yes, I know I just contradicted myself but hear me out. I’ve recognized that sometimes when I say yes to every movie or everyone who asks to hang out, I fall behind and then it adds on to the stress because there is a lot of catching up to do. Don’t get me wrong, I think that doing these activities are very important but it’s all about balancing and knowing when to say yes and when to say no to certain things.
- Dance. For me, dance is a major stress reliever. I don’t get to do it as much anymore but when I take study breaks, I am most likely dancing. Only God knows how many choreographies I’ve done in my bedroom.
- Pray. To tell you the truth, when I am tired or overwhelmed, I do not feel like praying sometimes. However, this is the single most important thing one can do during these times. I have a post on top of my bed that says “when life gets too hard to stand, kneel.” It always reminds me that I have to fight my battles in prayer to allow God to take over. Prayer is so powerful. Sometimes the simplest prayers, backed up by faith is all you need. I always ask the Holy Spirit to help me and He has never failed me. The stress will come but let your prayers be more than the stress.
All of these allow me to pause and reset my mind. I cannot be going full speed all the time and not allow my body, mind and spirit to rest. The main point I am trying to drive is the importance of listening to your body, guarding your mind and asking the Holy Spirit to take rest in you.
Do you relate to any of my suggestions? What are some of the things you do when you feel tired, overwhelmed or stressed? Comment below and share some tips. You might be helping me or someone else in the future.
As always, God bless you!
Song reminder: “Take rest in me” – Deitrick Haddon
Listen with headphones and just allow it minister to you.