I still remember my first day of school very well. I was so CONFUSED as to what was going on. My mornings at home were suddenly replaced with waking up early and a new school bag. My parents were very excited that day. After I had gotten dressed, they had me stand on the front porch for pictures. My dad shined his burgundy colored camera at me while my mom kept telling me to stand by the flowerpot to pose. I think I started to cry because I did not know what was going on. I later realized they were about to send me to complete strangers for the entire day. But it was the day, the real journey began.
2022 Monthly Phonescreensavers

You are built different. Inspired by the scripture Matthew 7:24-25. Those who are built on the rock will not fall despite the rain, floods and wind that come. As a child of God, remember that you are built different, and that you will remain standing despite the storms.
You are built different. Inspired by the scripture Matthew 7:24-25. Those who are built on the rock will not fall despite the rain, floods and wind that come. As a child of God, remember that you are built different, and that you will remain standing despite the storms.
Run the Race
When I was in high school, I was part of the track team… alright let me rephrase, I was a decoration on the track team lol. The team had really tall and fast guys and girls who seemed like they never got tired after running fast and far… and then there were some of us who were catching their breath after running half a lap on the track. i.e. moi.
Like a Bird : Releasing Worry
When I was in college, I took a class called ornithology, also known as the study of birds. Yea I know, why in the world would I take a class like that?
Free Monthly Phonescreensavers
We have only made it this far by God’s grace. Remind yourself of this daily by downloading this new phone screensaver for the month. God bless you!
Adjust your mindset to believe that you ARE a victor, warrior and saved and you’ll see that the way you handle situations will be adjusted in a good way too!
Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?… -Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:27)
Slow motion is better than no motion.
You are blessed and highly favored.The more you speak this over yourself, the more you will see it evident in your life. Enjoy this free screensaver.
Remind yourself of this in the month of January. We are growing this year! Let’s do it!
When You Don’t See Top
Translation from Pidgin English: when you don’t understand what is going on/ you just aren’t getting it/ things are difficult/ things are not making sense.
Pun intended (You’ll see why by the end of this post)
In 2015, I climbed up a volcano. Yes, a whole volcano in Guatemala. On that day, I woke up very excited that I was about to do something extraordinary. I knew it would not be easy but in my mind that morning, I had already envisioned myself at the top so I knew that today was the day I was going to be on top of a volcano. Point blank.
Christianity, Medicine & Mental Health
Heyyy! How are you? I truly hope you are doing well. As for me, I’m good, I can’t complain. Today’s post is a bit different from my previous posts. It is a conversation (interview style) I had with a fellow sister in Christ, doctor and new friend, Atasha Jordan, MD, MBA. Through our conversation, Dr. Jordan shared on the intersectionality between Christianity and mental health as well as her role as a Christian in medicine. Listen, this year has been tough and wellness in our mental health is even more important now. I learned a lot from this discussion and I hope you receive from this too. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.
31reminders: Logo Explained
Before I get into the explanation of the logo, I’d like to give a shoutout to Daniel, my friend and founder of dkasare media for creating the logo (Check out his IG @dkasare_media). I literally had a list of different things I needed my logo to have. You should have seen all the ideas that I shared with Daniel lol. But I truly thank God for using him to create something that seems simple, but has a powerful meaning. Let me explain.
Black Lives Matter: an open letter to my non-Black & Black Christian Friends
There’s no doubt that racism is an issue in the world. I have experienced racism and a lot of my Black friends have experienced racism. It has been happening for a long time and we have been grieving for years. Some of us have been sleeping but the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and countless others ought to wake all of us up. Each and every one of us has a role to play.
Continue reading “Black Lives Matter: an open letter to my non-Black & Black Christian Friends”
I know, I know. Where have I been? Honestly, I needed to go into hiding, at least away from social media for a bit. During this time, I’ve been learning and writing and growing but, not gonna lie, I’ve also had my faith shaken for a bit.